Close to release

Here is a list of the things I have done/still need to do between the release of the available alpha version and demo version 1.0: 

 - Save crystal pyramid status (done)

- Complete map (done/in progress)

- Pause menu (done)

- More upgradable/customizable options (in progress)

- Options menu (to do)

- Portal bonuses (to do)

- Gamepad support (to do)

- More levels (tentative)

I just moved to a new house so that is one reason why I wasn't been able to meet my own release schedule. In any case, as you can see, it is close to being in a state that I will feel good about calling 'demo version 1.0'. I may decide not to add gamepad support because I don't own an Xbox controller.

What I would love to do is have each portal open up a new world for the player to explore, but the map took a really long time to design, so I will gauge user feedback before I begin work on new worlds. I am anxious to begin new projects, but committed to finishing this one first.

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